Serious health damage may be affected by the computer when placed on the thighs!

Over the years, the experts and doctors has been to warn users of computers who put the laptop on their thighs when they use it. the fact that this situation cause internal burns can lead to cancers in the future.
Some doctors point out that the burns that infect the skin as a result of the development of these devices on the thighs called "skin roasted syndrome", which does not usually lead to the burning of the skin deep, but they are able to convert color to the dark class permanently, and in rare cases may lead to injury the patient's skin cancer.

This phenomenon has been attributed to the degree of heat emitted from laptops - like temperature of the sun, which we do not feel pain during  the exposure, while the effects and harms appear after Times on.
Experts advise not to put the laptop on the thighs or legs. And other damages which may be caused by this case are "Spine injury", and  there  is another study indicate the possibility of injury to men wich is "sinfertility",
and it makes the inability to have children, but all of this is advised to use a special insulator separates the body Father top when use this position.


  1. A royal reporter has now revealed that her son, Prince Harry too wasn’t completely satisfied with the royal family's reaction to the verdict given in 2008 about his mother’s death.

    Duncan Larcombe, a royal correspondent told Ok! Magazine that he met with the Duke of Sussex privately after the verdict was announced.


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