15 Healing Powers of Fresh Juice

Summer vegetables are abundant and it’s the perfect season to dust off your juicer and get the motor purring. Juicing your fruits and vegetables has long been thought to have healing powers. Providing an abundance of quickly absorbed nutrients, juicing has been touted to help cure everything from stomach ulcers to strengthening the immune system due to the high concentration of phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals in fresh fruits and vegetables.
For healing or detoxification purposes begin to change your diet by eliminating processed, over cooked food. Eat whole organic fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds, and eat a mostly vegetarian based diet including fresh juice at least 1-2 times per day. As a good reference book, my favorite resource and a classic in the lexicon of juicing is medical anthropologist, John Heinerman’s, Encyclopedia of Healing Juices.

Prepare your produce before processing through a juicer and make sure that your produce is organic as it is suspected that pesticides and herbicides can concentrate in the juice. You can drink the juice straight, dilute half with water, or add fiber or protein powder to make a healthy shake. One important note is to always drink the juice right after juicing to ensure receiving the maximum nutritional value.

Here are 15 fruits and vegetables beneficial to your body:
  1. Carrot juice strengthens the eyes and helps clear up skin eruptions.
  2. Celery juice is known for its power to clear the skin, as is cucumber juice.
  3. Cabbage juice helps the gastrointestinal tract, as well as, helping to heal stomach ulcers.
  4. Ginger juice helps with inflammation in the body, such as arthritis and is known to remedy nausea.
  5. Lemon juice is excellent for counteracting a high-fat, animal protein rich diet. Helps the liver in its daily detoxification process.
  6. Apple juice helps to relieve constipation, heal the intestines, and softens gall stones.
  7. Radish juice benefits the thyroid gland (in small amounts and mixed with other juice).
  8. Grape juice helps to purify the blood, inhibits herpes simplex and influenza viruses; and can be used as a remedy for hepatitis.
  9. Kale and Collard juice strengthens the bones due to high levels of calcium, potassium and Vitamin A.
  10. Pomegranate juice can be used to destroy intestinal worms, sooth gum and mouth ulcers, and strengthen the gums.
  11. Parsley juice neutralizes acid blood pH and helps alleviate allergies, cellulitis, mercury poisoning and skin problems.
  12. Pea juice helps dissolve blood clots and alleviates symptoms for celiac disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  13. Plums/Prune juice helps alleviate constipation and can be used for liver disease.
  14. Tomato juice helps restore health to the liver, and can be used to treat diarrhea and chronic indigestion.
  15. Watermelon juice alkalinizes the blood, and can be used to treat urinary problems, edema, and canker sores. Its diuretic properties benefits the kidney’s and bladder. Juice the rind with the flesh for a sweet, thirst quenching drink.


  1. What is Down Payment? The source said that there are three things on the table for discussion and settlement. First is the enactment of a new NAB law in line with the ordinance that the PTI had passed last year but lapsed after completing its constitutional four months period. The focus of these amendments will be to continue with the accountability process by carving

  2. Myrelle Oliver is a content creator to a personal development and lifestyle blog. The blog focuses on productivity, relationships, and wellness.


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